Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Jason Kendall

Previously we discussed SEO basics and on-page optimisation. In this article, we're looking at the more crucial Off-Page optimisation. Think of it as appointing votes. If another site places a link to your site then that site has given you a vote of confidence. They're saying, "Look at them - they've got something interesting to say..."

There are 2 main bits to the link. First, the actual URL or web address of the page they are pointing to. Then secondly the keyword phrase. This will be highlighted on the web page. That page can then be seen as receiving one 'vote'. In other words one 'vote' to push the website up the nat! ural listings.

It always works in this way. There's an irrevocable connection between the page pointed to and the anchor text. Or the process can't happen. The Search Engines use the anchor text as an explanation of what the page is all about. It's ESSENTIAL to understand this - Your site will only come up in searches it has anchor texts for.

Thus you'll understand why highlighting 'Click Here...' creates no value in SEO terms. 'Click Here' becomes the keyword phrase we've created a vote for. Whoever is going to type that phrase into the Search Engine? Clearly no-one would!

Hence why the anchor text must be used correctly. For it represents all the phrases your site will be listed for. For your information, the Adobe Reader download site features first for CLICK HERE. Is that because Adobe want to rank for 'click here'? Absolutely not! But think how many web pages include a link to their site with the words click here...

I! n other words, the SE's use the anchor text phrase to cast a v! ote for a page. Which is very logical. SE's try to look for relevancy in the same way a real person would. The content of your page isn't necessarily relevant. For if the text that is pointing to your site says Blue Flowers, then that is what you will be listed for! That's how the 'voting system' works.

Obviously, a few other things come into it - Because the SE's also use the page title and wording of the page being pointed at to correlate the results. And many more factors too. (To give you an idea, the spread of the sites linking to yours, and their relevancy to your site).

The bottom line is - to SEO successfully takes a ton of back-links. If these back links come from a variety of sites and have well phrased anchor texts, then so much the better. The quality of a site counts too... A back-link from or would be worth a lot more than a back-link from a local hardware store!

There's quite an art to choosing the right k! eyword phrases. Do perform sufficient competitor and keyword research before you firm up on your strategy. Fundamentally though: If someone's searching for what you do, which words are they typing into the Search Engine? The answers to this question supply your anchor text and keyword phrases.

However, you can't just use your 'best guesses! Quite often, the phrases you'd expect to see don't rate very highly. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves. You may think to Google "quality mattresses" if you're hoping to sleep better. A different person though may choose to write the words 'I need to sleep better'.

Successful on-line marketing is about more than trusting vague hunches. We can't over-stress the need to TEST and MEASURE all the phrases you're considering using. The number of people visiting your site will be in direct proportion to the work you do in this area. An analogy could be drawn with a listing in the Business Yellow Pages. ! You're not going to get any enquiries for Car Repairs if you'r! e indexe d as a Hairdresser! It is just as crucial to get your keyword analysis correct. Then everyone who's looking for what you do will easily find you.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Tana Hoy

You were just about to cross a street corner when something in your mind flashes, faster than lightning, and you pulled back the person beside you who is also about to cross. Next thing you know, a bullet fast car passes by. Does this make you a hero or a psychic? Or both?

Of Greek origin from the word "psychikos", which means of the soul or mental; the term psychic refers to the ability to perceive hidden information from the normal senses through extrasensory perception or ESP. People blessed with the psychic gift have the power to extraordinary things like predicting the future, communicate with spirits, read minds of others, and a! lot of other cool things.

Digging up for definitions in all sorts of books and dictionaries will indeed give you precise information. However, it will not give you a clear picture of how you can tell if you really have psychic abilities. Here are some examples in the most basic sense: You have a dream that in one way or another eventually comes true...You think the phone's going to ring, and it does...You know what a friend is going to say before they say it... or something way off like you take a different route home than usual just for some strange reason you felt you needed to, and you see on the news when you get home the four car pile up you missed by doing so...

Signs of these extraordinary psychic abilities may come in the simplest package just like those. People need to correct the misconception that it has to be a nerve-wrecking event or a miraculous moment to know that you have psychic abilities. Actually, everyone to some extent or degr! ee is psychic; but they are just completely unaware of it.

Psychic abilities can be in many forms. Some people maybe gifted in Aura Reading, others may have the psychic eye or the third eye. There are even others who can have many psychic abilities bestowed on them.

Being psychic is actually a special ability. Think about it, you can read people's minds, you can predict the future, find lost objects, and there are even some who have telekinetic powers! Everyone has psychic abilities but re just completely unaware of it. Some however have higher levels of the psychic gift.

Enhancing psychic powers is easy, as easy as steps one, two, and three. Step one is to be aware and to accept it. It is impossible to enhance something you do not want to have. Step two is to meditate. You must practice freeing your mind and getting into the calmest state you can be. The last step is to think positive. Be optimistic! These psychic powers must be used for good.

Being psychic is a gift. The powers that come wi! th it must be used for ways to help those who are in need. With psychic powers used correctly, the world would be a different place.

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By Avalon Danika

When we begin to face the symptoms of old age we usually find our way to the internet in hope of some anti aging products that can help us look and feel younger. We all know that in today's society keeping our looks is extremely vital.

When both men and women begin to notice the wrinkles appearing around the eyes, mouth, lips or anywhere on their body then they begin to freak out. Everyone in today's society is willing to pay almost any amount of money to keep their younger looking appearance.

Chances are you have come to the internet in search of information on the best anti aging products and that is what br! ought you to this article. The great news is that you have come to the right place. We know that there is so much information floating around on the internet; people tend to believe that they have to pay a lot to keep their young looks. Well with so much valuable information all over the internet it will not be difficult to find something that does help you keep your younger looks.

If you seem to be having difficult then you should know that the best anti aging products that you can use should contain natural ingredients in them; the main purpose for this is because you want to avoid putting anything on your skin that contains harsh chemicals.

Even if you have just purchased a product that you do not know anything about then you will want to test it on a small part of your body that can not be seen before you even consider applying it to your facial areas. This will help you determine whether the chemicals or the product itself is going to cause an! y type of reactions before you end up regretting using it on y! our face .

Stop by our site right now and claim your free trial of the one of the best anti aging products on today's market. Discover why it is one of the best all natural products that guarantees you to look and feel younger in no time at all.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Jonathan Benjem

Chakras are the center of activity in a body - the center that produces the life force energy. The word Chakra means wheel, or disk, and it is referred to as a spinning sphere of energy.

There are six Chakras which are located along the spine and a seventh one above these, removed from the physical element of your body.

The Chakra is commonly described as being energy, but it is important to understand the seven chakras and how they related to your body.

A proper alignment of the seven Chakras helps you to maintain your body in physical, mental and spiritual health; this is why it is important to know more about each Chakra and how it affects you.


The Muladhara is the Chakra of your lower body. This Chakra is responsible for your survival instinct and other related primal behaviors. Located in the perineum, the Muladhara relates to the potentiality of human life.

The chakra is said to relate to the adrenal glands inside the body - and is responsible for the flight or fight decisions a person must make during their life. Therefore, this chakra is in charge of your own fight or flight, and of those basic, human emotions.


The Swadhisthana is the chakra that contains the reproductive parts. ! The chakra is located in the area known as the sacrum. It rela! tes to e motions such as sexuality and creativity. The chakra corresponds to the sexual organs, and produces the sexual hormones that guide our lives.

This chakra can also be responsible for the mood swings that might dominate lives at one point or another. It is symbolized by a six petal lotus. This chakra is in charge of the moods that you might have and the basic sexual and creative flows that exist in your body.


Located in the Navel, the Manipura or solar plexus Chakra is responsible for the transition from simple to comlex emotions. The Manipura corresponds to the pancreas in the physical body.

This Chakra is responsible for energy flow and digestion - it governs the conversion of food into energy.This Chakra is symbolized by a ten petal lotus.


The Anahata is the heart. It is responsible for complex emotions like love and also controls your equilibrium and overall well being. This Chak! ra corresponds to the thymus gland, located in the chest. It also corresponds to the immune system in the physical body.

This chakra is symbolized by a twelve petal lotus. The love and the compassion are dictated by this chakra.


The Vishudda is the throat. This Chakra is responsible for your faculties of communication. This Chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland in the physical body. This Chakra is symbolized by a sixteen petal lotus.

The Vishudda also governs the process of growth.


The Anja is your eyebrow or forehead. This Chakra is also known as the third eye. The Ajna comtrols your visualization abilities and is the Chakra which has to do with time, light and awareness.

This Chakra is also in charge of the sleep cycle. The symbol of this Chakra is a two petal lotus.


The Sahasrara is the final Chakra. This is the Chakra which is r! esponsible for consciousness; it is connected to every other s! ystem in your body and is the most important element in consciousness. This Chakra corresponds to the pituitary gland in the physical body. The symbol of this Chakra is a thousand petal lotus.

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By Kenneth Taylor

Kenneth Copeland Ministries is among the most popular ministries actively spreading the gospel to as many Christians from different parts of the globe. More and more people, Christians in particular and getting to love the way it spreads God's words in its interesting and enticing manners using the powers of tri-media. Having the reputation for real ministries, it gai! ned more popularity despite all the stories geared to harm its credibility.

This ministry has successfully spread the word of God in may places around the globe using the power of the so called tri-media. Through its popular website as well as both radio and television broadcasts which is being heard and viewed in many parts of the globe Christians all over the world get to enjoy the gospel. It has also explored the powers of magazine in its quest of having God's words reached and touched as many people from all walks of life regardless of its race, color, age and gender.

The ministries of Kenneth Copeland go beyond spreading the gospel. It has successfully explored all the available manners and resources to reach out to as many Christians in many places around the globe that truly hunger for God's words. It reaches out to Christians to impart the real values of love, faith and hope as it spreads God's words.

Kenneth Copeland ministrie! s goes beyond spreading the gospel using all interesting and e! xciting mediums of communication as it also tackles life's values. Others who are somehow troubled with common problems pertinent to finances, relationships and sickness are finding solace with its ministries. These people from all walks of life get a helping hand from Kenneth Copeland that employs its own way of addressing other people's needs.

Problems of such kinds regardless of its degree and the people being hounded by such problems are being addressed by Kenneth Copeland using biblical teachings. This is why many people will definitely find solace with this kind of ministry that Kenneth Copeland tries to share the whole world with. This made it known to many Christians from around the world.

You need not have to worry whenever you are confronted with problems you cannot seem to cope lone by yourself as you can always count on Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Using the latest techniques, and interesting approach, problems having to do with finances, relati! onship and sickness are addressed by the ministries of Kenneth Copeland with all ease. It simply has all the ways to address problems of different nature appropriately.

other than problems you need to seek professional spiritual guidance. It somehow provides you with the ways of finding answers of questions lurking in your mind pertinent to your beliefs and faith. You will surely find answers to questions pertinent to your relationship with God with its interesting manner and materials in spreading the gospel. These are only a few of the many things you shall learn from the ministries of Kenneth Copeland.

Other than preaching God's words and mercy it also teaches everyone the right way to pray. If you are a Christian who seem to be lost with your faith and the way you should live, the ministries of Kenneth Copeland and more than enough to keep you on the right track. These and more will you get if you try and explore Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

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Ok, let''s face it, everybody hates high credit card rates, and they drain hard earned money out of your wallet. As a valued consumer, it is appa! rent that you learn how to negotiate to get the absolute best rate that you possibly can. The good news however is that it doesn''t have to be a difficult or time-consuming process. In fact, it can be very easy indeed if you know what you''re doing. In this article we will discuss the ins and outs of credit card negotiating to ensure that you get the best possible rate with the least amount of effort.

1. First and foremost, you should figure out if you even want to continue using your current credit card company. Are you pleased with the overall service that you are receiving? Do you like their benefits? If the answer is yes then you can proceed. If not, you should stop reading this article and start looking for a better company.

2. Second, you should evaluate your paying history and make sure that it is positive before you call to negotiate. If it is positive then you have power and if it isn''t then you''ll be negotiating from a position of weakness ! and that might not be good. Instead, you should wait until it ! is more positive before you call them to negotiate rates.

3. Third, if you have a good history then remember this when you call. In essence, you''ll have extremely high negotiating power. The company needs your business in order to be successful and with clients they lose big time. Therefore, you should always display this "take them or leave them attitude" while conducting your negotiations.

4. Draft up a script and memorize it. It can be as simple as "Hello, my name is Bill and I have been a cardholder for X years and I consistently pay my bills on a time. Well recently I have been receiving all types of credit card offers from XYZ bank indicating that I qualify for an extremely low interest rate of X and am considering leaving you and going there if you can''t offer me a lower rate. Is this something that you can help me with?

5. Practice, practice and practice some more with your script until you are completely and totally used to it. Once ! you are, contact the company. Read your script and see what happens.

6. If you get a hard nose customer service representative then don''t threaten her. Be agreeable and ask to speak to his/her supervisor. If that is not possible, be nice to her and try again she may have some leeway. If you like your present company, you can even try negotiating interest rates, annual and even those yucky late fees.

7. However, if you''re fed up, have an alternative company in the wings, and your current company won''t budge with their rates then be willing to take your business elsewhere. After all, you hold the power so don''t be afraid to use it! They key however is to not bluff but to follow through with your threat. Close the account, ask for them to send you notification in the mail, cancel the credit card and use another card.


You can be successful with the negotiating process if you follow the above mentioned tips. If your current comp! any is unwilling to cooperate then you should simply take your! busines s elsewhere. You''re better off with another credit card company that values your savvy negotiating skills!

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of the where you will find further advice and tips on the best credit card deals, balance transfers and 0% credit cards.', 127, 'Credit Card Rates - Negotiating Rates with Your Credit Card Company, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Card Rates - Negotiating Rates with Your Credit Card Company plus articles and information on Credit'

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